4. Mednarodno srečanje Alpe - Jadran - Donava in
70. redna konferenca SZGH

4th International Alps - Adria - Danube meeting &
70th conference of SAGH

Kongresni center Bernardin, Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenija, 3.–5. oktober 2019 /
October 3th–5th 2019, Congress Center Bernardin, Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia


V imenu organizacijskega in strokovnega odbora vas vabim, da se udeležite 4.strokovnega srečanja Alpe Jadran Donava povezanega s 70. Redno strokovno konferenco SZGH. Strokovni dogodek se bo odvijal od 3. do 5. oktobra 2019 v kongresnem centru Grand Hotela Bernardin v Portorožu.

Namen 4.strokovnega srečanja Alpe Jadran Donava, v četrtek in petek, bo predstavitev raziskav in napredka na področju gastroenterologije v regiji, v soboto pa bodo v okviru
70. Redne konference SZGH domači avtorji predstavili svoja dela v okviru prostih tem.

Z organizacijo obeh povezanih dogodkov si organizatorji želimo kakovostnega strokovnega in ne nazadnje prijateljskega druženja.


Z veseljem vas pričakujemo v Portorožu!


V imenu organizacijskega in strokovnega odbora
Prof. dr. Stojan Potrč, dr. med. spec. kirurg
Predsednik SZGH


On behalf of the Slovenian Association of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists we would like to invite you to 4th international Alps – Adria – Danube scientific meeting.
The event will be held in the Congress center of Grand Hotel Bernardin in Portorož from 3th – 5th October 2019. For practical reasons it will relate to the regular 70th meeting of Slovenian Association of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists.

The main topic of the 4th international Alps – Adria – Danube meeting is to present advances in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology from our region performed in last years (research, publications, PhD’s ...).
Our aim is to organize an outstanding and exciting interdisciplinary scientific event with leaders and delegates from different specialties involved in treatment of gastroenterological diseases from all over the region.


We look forward to welcoming you in Portorož! 


On behalf of scientific and organizing committee,
Prof. Stojan Potrč, MD, PhD, Surgeon

President of SAGH

Zlati sponzorji / Gold sponsors:JanssennJanssenn

Srebrni sponzorji / Silver sponsors
: JanssennJanssenn





Prijave / Registration:

Silva Škrlec
UKC MB, Kirurška Klinika, Tajništvo Oddelka za Abdominalno in Splošno Kirurgijo
Ljubljanska 5, 2000 Maribor
Telefon: 02 321 1301
E-mail: silva.skrlec@ukc-mb.si

Organizator srečanja / Organizer of the meeting:

Slovensko združenje za gastroenterologijo in hepatologijo /
Slovenian association of Gastroenetrologists and hepatologists

Strokovni odbor / Scientific committee:

Stojan Potrč, Bojan Tepeš, Aleš Tomažič, Borut Štabuc,
Milan Stefanovič, Blaž Trotovšek, Samo Plut, Peter Popovič,
Andreja Ocepek, Rok Orel, Nina Zidar, Alenka Forte,

Bojan Krebs, Matjaž Horvat, Arpad Ivanecz, Katja Tepeš

Organizacijski odbor / Organising committee:

Stojan Potrč, Bojan Tepeš, Borut Štabuc, Arpad Ivanecz,

Bojan Krebs, Milan Stefanovič, Rok Orel, Bojan Ilijevec,

Agica Kunstek, Silva Škrlec

Recenzijski odbor / Abstract reviewers:

Bojan Krebs, Arpad Ivanecz

Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije za udeležbo podeljuje /
Credit points given by Medical Chamber of Slovenia:
18 kreditnih točk / 18 credit points
Kotizacija / Congress fee: 150,00 €.

Kotizacija 150,00 € (DDV vključen v ceno). (strokovni del, 2x večerja)
Kotizacijo lahko poravnate na srečanju, lahko pa jo nakažete na račun združenja.

Številka računa: SI 56 0510 0801 5191 938 ABANKA
Oproščeni kotizacije / no fee: Povabljeni predavatelji, specializanti, upokojenci in študenti /
Invited speakers, residents, retired physicians and medical students
Navodila za predavanja / Instructions for presentations:

Predstavitev naj bo pripravljena v “Powerpoint” programu. Čas predstavitve je omejen na 15 minut (12+3).

Jezik predavanja za 4. Alpe-Jadran-Donava srečanje je angleščina. Dopuščali bomo izjeme.
Predstavitev in jezik predstavitve za 70. Redno konferenco SZGH je slovenščina.

For the Alps-Adria-Danube meeting the presentations must be prepared in Power Point in English.

The presentation time is limited to 15 minutes (12+3). The official language is English. Exception may be tolerated.

Navodila za zbornik predavanj / Instructions for the Book of Abstracts:

Pismene prispevke za Zbornik predavanj pripravite prosim v skladu z navodili revije “Annals of Surgery”
in jih posredujte predsedstvu uredniškega odbora na njun elektronski naslov: (arpad.ivanecz@ukc-mb.si, bojan.krebs@guest.arnes.si).
The manuscripts for the Book of Abstracts should be prepared according to Annals of Surgery Editorial guidelines
and submit it to the members of our editorial board: (arpad.ivanecz@ukc-mb.si, bojan.krebs@guest.arnes.si).

The deadline for submission is September 20th.

Prenočišča / Accomodations:



Grand Hotel Bernardin

tel.:05 690 70 00 / 00386 5 690 70 00


Povabljeni predavatelji in voditelji omizij / Invited Faculty and Chairman

Andreevski V., UCC Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Banič M., UC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
Bevanda M., UCC Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bokun T., UC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
Čeranič D., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Čustović N., UCC Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dragašević S., UCC Srbije, Beograd, Serbia
Drobne D., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dugalič P., CC Zemun, Serbia
Filipec Kanižaj T., UC Merkur, Zagreb, Croatia
Forte A., HC Helix Trbovlje, Slovenia
Garbajs M., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Homan M., University Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia
Horvat Msurg., Surg. Clin. UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Horvat Monc., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Husić-Selimović A., UCC Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jagrič T., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Joksimović N., UCC Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Jovanović I., UCC Belgrade, Serbia
Karamarković A., ATLAS general Hospital Belgrade, Serbia
Kikec Z., GH Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Koršič Š., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Koželj Msurg., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Krebs B., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Marolt U., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Mesihović R., Barsos, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Milič S., UCC Rijeka, Croatia
Milivojevic V., UCC Srbije, Beograd, Serbia
Mišak Z., Children's Hospital Zagreb, Croatia
Muhovic D., UCC Podgorica, Montenegro
Norčič G., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Novak G., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Oblak I., Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ocepek A., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Orel R., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Patrlj L., Institut for Tumors, Zagreb, Croatia
Pintar T., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Plut S., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Popovič P., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Poropat G., UCC Rijeka, Croatia
Potrč S., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Prka L., UC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
Rankovič I., UCC Belgrade, Serbia
Ribnikar M., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rifatbegovič Z., UCC Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rustemović N., UCC Rebro, Zagreb, Croatia
Sever N., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Stardelova K., UCC Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Stefanovič M., DC Bled, Slovenia
Stojković Latošević M., UCC Srbije, Beograd, Serbia
Štabuc B., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Štimac D., UCC Rijeka, Croatia
Štulić M., UCC Srbije, Beograd, Serbia
Tarabar D., MMA Beograd, Serbia
Tepeš B., AM DC Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia
Todorovska B., UCC Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Tomažič A., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trotovšek B., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Urek M., UC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
Urlep D., University Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vladimir Milivojevic V., UCC Beograd, Serbia
Vrdoljak D., Institut for Tumors, Zagreb, Croatia
Vucelić B., UCC Rebro, Zagreb, Croatia
Vuković J., UCC Zagreb, Croatia
Zidar N., MF Institute for pathology, MF Ljubljana, Slovenia


4. Mednarodno srečanje Alpe - Jadran - Donava / 4th International Alps - Adria - Danube meeting

Četrtek / Thursday - 1. dan / Day 1:  3.10.2019



               Prof. S. Potrč MD PhD, UCC Maribor, SAGH President


Sekcija ZPT / Session Upper GI
Voditelji / Chairmen: Tepeš B., Karamarković A., Jovanović I., Bevanda M.

13:15      Fecal transplantation in our clinical practice
               Štimac D., UCC Rijeka, Croatia

13:30      RFA in patients with Barrett
               Sever N., Plut S., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

13:45      Proton pump inhibitors and radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Barrett's Esophagus
               Dugalić P., KC Zemun, Serbia

14:00      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Ewo Pharma:

               Eosinophilic oesophagitis

               Tepeš B., AM, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia

14:15      Primary and secondary Helicobacter Pylori resistance among Serbian adult population

               Milivojevic V., UCC Beograd, Serbia

14:30      ESD in patients with early gastric cancer
               Stefanovič M., DC Bled Slovenia
14:45      Transhiatal resections in patients with gastric cardia cancers Siewert 2 and 3
               Potrč S., Jagrič T., Ilijevec B., Horvat M., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

15:00      Analysis of surgical complications after gastric cancer resections
               Jagrič T., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

15:15      Treatment with Endobarier in children with morbid obesity and metabolic syndrome
               Homan M., University Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia


15:30      ODMOR / BREAK


Sekcija Biliarno Pankreatična / Session Upper Bile Pancreatic
Voditelji / Chairmen:
Patrlj L., Štabuc B., Rifatbegovič Z., Plut S.

16:15      MRCP with secretin: Our experience in diagnosis pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
               Garbajs M., Vičič A., Košir Božič T., Janša R., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

16:30      Our experience in management of difficult bile duct stones
               Bokun T., UCC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia

16:45      Role of EUS in diagnostic of pancreatic and biliary diseases - new guidelines
               Mesihović R., Barsos Ljubljana, Slovenia

17:00      Prevention of infectious complications in acute pancreatitis - RCT and meta-analysis
               Poropat G., UCC Rijeka, Croatia

17:15      Our results in surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer patients
               Potrč S., Ilijevec B., Jagrič T., Ivanecz A., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

17:30      Complications after pancreatic surgery
Rifatbegovič Z., UCC Tuzla, BIH

17:45      New treatment options in pancreatic cancer
               Štabuc B., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

18:00      Slovenian Stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with upper GE tumors
               Oblak I., Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia

18:15      Stereotactic radiosurgery in pancreatic cancer patients
               Vrdoljak D., Institut za Tumore, Zagreb, Croatia

18:30      Quality of life after pancreas resection - questioner Eortc QLQ-PAN26
Marolt U., Ilijevec B., Potrč S., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

18:45      EUS in cystic neoplasms of the pancreas
Čeranič D., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

19:00      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Takeda

               New treatment modalities in short bowel syndrome

               Štabuc B., UCC Ljubljana


19:15      ZAKLJUČEK 1. DNEVA / END OF DAY 1.

20:00      VEČERJA / DINNER


4. Mednarodno srečanje Alpe - Jadran - Donava / 4th International Alps - Adria - Danube meeting

Petek / Friday - 2. dan / Day 2:  4.10.2019

Sekcija Jetra / Session Liver
Voditelji / Chairmen: Trotovšek B.,
Popovič P., Milič S., Stardelova K.

08:00      The Role of Next Generation Sequencing in the Differential Diagnosis of Caroli’s syndrome
Smolovic B., Muhovic D., Hodzic A., Bergant G., Peterlin B., UCC Podgorica, Montenegro

08:15      The Clinical Importance of Cystatin C and Hepatic Artery - Resistive Index in Liver Cirrhosis
               Štulić M., UCC Beograd, Serbia

Iron overload in hepatic diseases
Milič S., UCC Rijeka, Croatia

08:45      Acute and chronic liver diseases in pediatric patients with diabetes
Vuković J., UCC Zagreb, Croatia
09:00      The influence of standard antiviral therapy in combination with Atorvastatin 20 mg on sustained
               virological response and metabolic alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Todorovska B., UCC Skopje, Republic North Macedonia
09:15      Treating HBC and HCV infection in transplanted patients and patients with liver cirrhosis
Filipec Kanižaj T., UC Merkur, Zagreb, Croatia
09:30      Stopping the NUCs in antiviral therapy
Husić-Selimović A., UCC Sarajevo, BIH
09:45      Liver transplantation – new indications
Trotovšek B., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
10:00      Liver transplantation in Slovenia
Ribnikar M., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
10:15      Stereotactic liver surgery in patients with liver cancer

Patrlj L., Institut za Tumore, Zagreb, Croatia

10:30      Prognostic factors for survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated by transarterial chemoembolization
using drug-eluting beads
Koršič Š., Garbajs M., Levašič N., Lešnik L. A., Dežman R., Janša R., Popovič P., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
10:45      Standardisation and security in bariatric surgery  - prevention of liver failure

Pintar T., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia


11:00      ODMOR / BREAK


Sekcija KVČB / Session CIBD
Voditelji / Chairmen:
Tomažič A., Drobne D., Rustemović N., Banič M.
11:15      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Takeda

               Clinical evidence of vedolizumab in first line bio setting

               Smrekar N., UCC Ljubljana
11:30      Expression of hisone deacetylase and TNF alfa in colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis
               Prka L., UC Dubrava Zagreb, Croatia
11:45      Importance of TLR9-IL23-IL17 axis in inflammatory bowel disease development: Gene expression profiling study
               Dragašević S., UCC Beograd, Serbia
12:00      Treatment of pediatric Chron disease with partial enteral nutrition
               Urlep D., University Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia
12:15      Evaluation of optimal biopsy location for assessment of histological activity, transcriptomic and
               immunohistochemical analyses in patients with active Crohn's disease
               Novak G., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
12:30      MaRIA score in the assessment of disease activity in patients with ileocolonic Crohn’s disease;
               the correlation between radiologic, endoscopic and clinical findings
               Urek M., CC Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
12:45      Surgery for CIBD
               Tomažič A., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

13:00      Prime time for proactive therapeutic drug monitoring in IBD - our experiences
               Drobne D., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

13:15      Current therapy of ulcerative colitis and its shortcomings
               Vucelić B., UCC Rebro Zagreb, Croatia

13:30      Cyclosporin / Vedalizumab in patients with severe Ulcerative colitis
               Tarabar D., AMC Beograd, Serbia

13:45      The benefits of biological therapy in anxiety reduction in patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
               Ćato-Mehmedbašić S., UCC Sarajevo, BIH


14:00      KOSILO / LUNCH


Sekcija Debelo črevo in danka / Session Colorectal
Voditelji / Chairmen:
Stefanovič M., Krebs B., Vrdoljak D., Husić-Selimović A.
15:00      Concomitant autoimmunity among patients with celiac disease - a cross sectional study
               Čustović N., UCC Sarajevo, BIH

15:15      Probiotics in functional abdominal pain
               Mišak Z., Oleg Jadrašin O., Children's Hospital Zagreb, Croatia
15:30      Hepatoadrenal syndrome - the hidden enemy
               Ranković I., CC of Serbia Belgrade, Serbia
15:45      Optical diagnosis in colorectal neoplasia – pro et contra
               Zidar N., Stefanovič M., DC Bled and MF Institute for pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
16:00      The impact of first three rounds of Colorectal cancer screening program SVIT on the incidence
               of colorectal cancer and mortality in Slovenia
               Tepeš B., AM DC Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia
16:15      The importance of continuous Quality Control in the SVIT Program
               Stefanovič M., Tepeš B., Štabuc B., SVIT, Slovenia
16:30      The impact of SVIT program on colorectal surgery in Slovenia
               Krebs B., Potrč S., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
16:45      Deletion and single nucleotide polymorphisms in common glutathione-S transferases contribute
               to colorectal cancer development: case-control study
               Stojković Latošević M., UCC Beograd, Serbia


17:00      ODMOR / BREAK


Sekcija Debelo črevo in danka / Session Colorectal
Voditelji / Chairmen:
Koželj M., Vrdoljak D., Orel R., Ocepek A.

17:15      Nucleoitid polymorphism as a prognostic factor in colorectal cancers
               Horvat M., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

17:30      Usefulness of pre and post-operative endorectal US
               Joksimović N., UCC Skopje, Republic North Macedonia

17:45      Comparison of the therapy success with botulinum toxin A, local nifedipinein combination with lidocaine,
               and anal dilatation in the treatment of primary chronic anal fissures
               Andreevski V., UCC Skopje, Republic North Macedonia

18:00      Prevention of venous thrombosis in GI tumors
               Kikec Z., Vižintin T., GH Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia

18:15      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Jannsen (Naša pričakovanja za prihodnost in vloga zaviralca IL 12/23 v zdravljenju KVČB /

               Our expectation for the future and impact of IL 12/23 in treatment of CIBD)

               Crohnova bolezen - najnovejši podatki za klinično prakso / Crohn disease – new data for clinical praxis

               Kurent T., UCC Ljubljana

18:30      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Jannsen (Naša pričakovanja za prihodnost in vloga zaviralca IL 12/23 v zdravljenju KVČB /

               Our expectation for the future and impact of IL 12/23 in treatment of CIBD)

               Ulcerozni kolitis - nove možnosti zdravljenja / Ulcerous colitis – new perspectives in treatment

               Novak G., UCC Ljubljana


18:45      ZAKLJUČEK 2. DNEVA - AJD / END OF DAY 2. - AAD


20:00      VEČERJA / DINNER


70. redna konferenca SZGH / 70th conference of SAGH

Sobota / Saturday - 3. dan / Day 3:  5.10.2019

70. redna strokovna konferenca SZGH - Proste teme

Voditelji omizja:
Norčič G., Kous Puc T., Kikec Z.

08:30      Zunanja validacija točkovnega sistema za laparoskopsko kirurgijo jeter
Plahuta I., Ivanecz A., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
Iskanje neinvazivnih tehnik za prikaz jetrne okvare: primerjava med biopsijo in fluorescentnimi tehnikami
Salobir J., Pintar J., GH Celje, Slovenia

09:00      Redek zaplet neposredno po opravljeni EGDS
Kous Puc T., Slovenia
09:15      Pomen kvantifikacije CEUZ-a pri diagnostiki Crohnovega obolenja – lastne izkušnje
Brodnjak A., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
09:30      Kirurško zdravljenje paraanalnih fistul pri KVČB
Norčič G., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia
09:45      Kaj imajo skupnega prebavna cev, ateroskleroza in srčno-žilna obolenja
Skok P., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
10:00      Novejše generacije bioloških zdravil za KVČB in nosečnost
Sodin B., GH Celje, Slovenia
10:15      Selective internal radiation therapy with SIR-Spheres in hepatocellular carcinoma – our experience
Vozlič D., Garbajs M., Dežman R., Štabuc M., Popovič P., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

10:30      SATELIT / SATELLITE - Servier:

               Novost pri zdravljenju metastatskega raka želodca

               Šmid A.


10:45      ODMOR / BREAK


Voditelji omizja: Horvat M., Norčič G., Popovič P.
11:15      Varnost v kirurgiji: Ocena varnosti in učinkovitosti zdravljenja z aminoglikozidi pri akutnih kirurških okužbah v trebušni votlini

Pintar T., UCC Ljubljana, Slovenia

11:30      Nove ESPGHAN smernice za diagnostiko in zdravljenje celiakije pri otrocih
Dolinšek J., UCC Maribor, Slovenia

11:45      Personalizacija zdravljenja KVČB: realen jutri ali oddaljena prihodnost?
Pernat Drobež C., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
12:00      Predlog priporočil in kriterijev za napotitev bolnikov h gastroenterologu
Ocepek A., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
12:15      Incidenca poznih septičnih zapletov po splenektomiji
Horvat M., UCC Maribor, Slovenia
12:30      Glivični peritonitis po nastavitvi PEG-a - Prikaz primera
Kikec Z., GH Sl. Gradec, Slovenia
12:45      Presejanje pri raku trebušne slinavke – komu, kdaj
Kalacun V., UCC Maribor, Slovenia





Predsednik SZGH
Prof. dr. Stojan Potrč dr. med., spec. kirurg